Author: Ann Boon
Date: February 16, 2015
Over the next two weeks, two committees will be finalizing their reports on the big projects they have studied over the last year. The committee reports and recommendations will be presented to the Board in open session on March 5th. This will be your opportunity not just to hear about the issues but also to share your opinions and concerns with the members of your Association Board.
TRAFFIC CONTROL: First, the Board will hear the report from the Intersection Study Committee. The outcome of this discussion will determine the future of the intersections along Paseo Delicias, heading east toward Del Dios Highway. The complex issue has brought three options for consideration: (1) install roundabouts, (2) install stoplights, or (3) “do nothing.” The issue has been debated for more than 10 years now. This current committee that was formed two years ago, is the latest group to study the different options.
About three years ago, the County of San Diego completed work on an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in which alternative types of intersection controls such as traffic signal and roundabouts were analyzed. The EIR presented a design for the roundabouts and how they would perform as compared to traffic signals. However, the EIR did not contain specific designs for traffic signals at the three intersections.
In February 2013, the Association Board held a public meeting on the question of various traffic control mechanisms and the respective impacts on adjacent properties, community character, and the overall aesthetic of the intersection. In response to member comments, the board directed staff to work with the County and to solicit proposals for the design of traffic signals at each of the three intersections. The Board also established an Intersection Study Committee (ISC) to work with staff and the engineering consultant to evaluate the designs for traffic signals. The County agreed to temporarily delay action on the EIR, until the Association had an opportunity to offer its input. The Committee, ably led by Board member Rochelle Putnam, has done a thorough study. Board members know that many of you feel that this issue has been studied enough over the years and that it is time to make a decision and move forward. On March 5th, we will hear the findings of the ISC.
BROADBAND/FIBER: Secondly, and perhaps more exciting to many of you, the Board will be hearing a report on the feasibility and possible funding models for building a fiber optic network throughout the Covenant of Rancho Santa Fe.
The Technology Committee and members of staff have met with the Multiple System Operators (MSO’S,) e.g., AT&T, Time Warner, Cox and others. In addition, a group of Covenant members generously pooled their resources and hired an independent consultant, Magellan Advisors, to give us an unbiased assessment of the feasibility of building our own fiber optic network throughout the Covenant. Such a network would provide at minimum one-gigabit speed all the way to each home. If we owned our own network, we would be able to have the MSO’s and content providers compete for our business and use of our network. This would mean revenue to the Association.
Ideally, provider competition would allow individual homeowners to decide what services they want. Owning our own fiber infrastructure would also allow us to accommodate any next-generation services that require much higher bandwidths. These technologies are already coming to market.
On March 5th, the Technology Committee will be reporting on the findings of the Magellan study and give their ‘next step’ recommendations. It should be a fascinating report.
REGISTER TO VOTE: Last, but definitely not least, we have a Board election coming up this spring as usual. On March 16, the Nominations for Board candidates for this election will close.
We already have several very well qualified candidates who have volunteered to run. The Nominating Committee appreciates these members’ willingness to give their time to work on the Association Board. It is just as important for you to do your part by VOTING. Ballots will be mailed out May 14, 2015.
You must be registered to vote by May 1st, or you will not receive a ballot. If you are not sure whether or not you are registered, please email to find out. If you are not registered, Daria will help you get registered right away.
Whether your home in the Covenant is your full-time residence or a vacation retreat, please make your voice heard by voting!