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Rancho Santa Fe Board of Directors Take Action on Step Down Housing, Intersection Debate

Author: RSF Post

Date: May 07, 2015

The May 7th Rancho Santa Fe Board of Directors meeting took major action on several prominent issues throughout the community. In front of a packed house, the Board voted unanimously to confirm their support for the one dwelling per two acre zoning plan, as stated in the San Diego County 2020 general plan. The Board also voted to send a letter in support of signalization at major intersections at Del Dios and El Camino Del Norte, Paseo Delicias and El Montevideo, and Paseo Delicias and Via de la Valle.

Step Down Housing Project

The first major item on the agenda was the proposed “step down development” project that would be located on the north-east corner of Calzada del Bosque and Via de la Valle. The current zoning for the property sets that maximum density at one dwelling per two acres. The proposed developer seeks to build as many as 54 dwellings on just over 5 acres. To get the necessary permits to implement this project, the developer would have to get approvals from the County and support from the surrounding communities.

In a meeting last year, the developer of the proposed project made a presentation but did not seek community input or board approval. The developer has since met with surrounding community groups including Whispering Palms, Fairbanks Ranch, and plans to submit the project for approval to the San Dieguito Planning Committee.

Boon suggested that the developer was misrepresenting that the Board had previously voted in support of the project. The sentiment was echoed by others on the Board:

“To me its pretty disingenuous” said Board Director Kim Eggleston, speaking about the process that the developers have taken in pursuit of their project. “To come to us at the end of the process after they went to Fairbanks, Whispering Palms and the San Dieguito Planning Committee. I would be opposed to this location based on the plan of action that they have taken.”

Rancho Santa Fe resident Saiid Zarrabian, a representative of the Neighbors for San Dieguito River Valley Preservation group, opposed the project on more substantive grounds. “If rezoning is allowed to occur others will follow suit, leading to a slippery slope where other property owners might try to maximize the profits on their property.” Mr. Zarrabian also highlighted the fact that he has gathered 450 signatures against the proposed project.

After input from staff and community, members of the Board voted unanimously to send a letter to the County that affirms the Board's support of the 2020 San Diego County General Plan, limiting development in the area to one dwelling per two acres.


After years of debate, the Board of Directors took a major step forward on how best to manage the Covenant’s most congested intersections. The Board voted unanimously to send a letter of recommendation for traffic signals, as opposed to roundabouts, to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.

The vote came on the heels of a community meeting where residents were invited to voice their opinion on how best to mitigate the intersection issue. A straw poll taken during the meeting found that 76% of the people in attendance favored traffic signals, 8% favored roundabouts and 16% preferred to do nothing.

Mr. Overton informed residents that if no action was taken, the County would make a decision for them. A recommendation from the Association would allow the County to move forward with the Associations preference and complete the project in a timely fashion.

The Board voted unanimously to send a letter to the county detailing their support of using traffic signals over roundabouts. The letter will also request that the RSF Board and staff be involved during the planning and development process.

It will now be up to the County to begin the initial budget and planning phases.