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RSF Post Straw Poll Contradicts Town Hall Meeting

Author: RSF Post

Date: July 10, 2015

Over the past few months, residents and community leaders have engaged in a dialogue about how best to manage traffic at three intersections along the Paseo Delicias corridor: Del Dios and El Camino Del Norte, Paseo Delicias and El Montevideo, and Paseo Delicias and Via de la Valle.

With traffic expected to increase along the corridor in the coming years, the County of San Diego is looking to implement traffic lights or roundabouts as a way to manage the flow of motorists through the Ranch. Although the County has ultimate jurisdiction, they asked the Association which option the community prefers.

At the July 2nd Association meeting the Board of Directors voted to send a survey to residents in the Ranch following a community meeting that would include a representative from the County. Although the survey will not be legally binding it will give the Association and the County an accurate assessment of which option the community prefers.

The results of the Association survey will be sent to the county as the official recommendation from the community.

The Post conducted a straw poll prior to the July 2nd Association meeting. We asked our readers which option they preferred and the results are in.

Note: this is not a scientific poll, this survey was posted on the RSF Post facebook page and website. The results are non binding and will carry no legal implications.

Out of 288 completed surveys, 63% of respondents voted in favor of roundabouts. 20% of respondents voted in favor of traffic lights.

These results come as a stark contrast to the results of the town hall meeting held in April, where over 80% of attendees supported traffic lights.