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Roundabouts - The Safer Choice

Author: Kent Lemarie

Date: September 15, 2015

San Diego County’s Right of Way Standards for RSF state: “Traffic signals are highly destructive of the area’s scenic roadways. They shall only be allowed where safety concerns can not be otherwise mitigated.”

Federal studies reveal that when roundabouts replace traffic signals there are:

There are three reasons for these statistics:

  1. Roundabouts eliminate deadly broadside and head-on collisions. They replace the center of the intersection, known as the “kill zone,” with a landscaped center island.
  2. At roundabouts, there are fewer rear end collisions due to fewer sudden stops.
  3. When collisions do occur in a roundabout, they are at a reduced speed and most often result in property damage only.

In addition to safety, roundabouts:

SAFETY is my overwhelming reason to choose roundabouts, however, there are many other benefits to installing roundabouts. 

M. Kent Lemarié, MD

Emergency Physician and 39 year Covenant resident