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First for Rancho: Video Interviews

Author: Phil Trubey

Date: May 08, 2019

As we embark on the second stage of the RSF Post’s life, we are introducing something new in Rancho Santa Fe reporting: video. If you want to get to know someone, video is much better than print, and that’s why our first videos are interviews with the four Association Board candidates: Skip Atkins, Laurel Lemarie, Bill Strong and Bill Weber. 

I had a ton of fun doing these interviews, and learned quite a bit more about Rancho. All of our candidates are engaging, interesting and knowledgeable. Even though I asked pretty much the same open-ended questions to each candidate, the conversations took off in completely different directions. 

You’ll note that our videos are all prepended with our new video logo. Sharp-eared listeners will recognize the music as the theme song to Clint Eastwood’s spaghetti western classic, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.” This is our slightly tongue-in-cheek reference to how we approach news reporting. While we showcase the good in Rancho Santa Fe with articles like Village Update and this initial video series on Board candidates, conversely we don’t sugar coat controversies. Onto the interviews:


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