Author: RSF Post
Date: July 03, 2015
The new Association Board, which now includes Mike Licosati and Fred Wasserman, were treated to a lively first Association Board meeting Thursday. Licosati and Wasserman replaced outgoing Vice President Craig McAllister and Director Rochelle Putnam who completed their terms in June.
Emotions ran high at the July 2 meeting when dozens of Covenant residents showed up to express their views on the roundabouts vs traffic lights debate. In May the Board voted to send a letter to the County expressing a preference for traffic lights, which appeared to be the consensus at the community meeting held on April 29.
However, as President Ann Boon pointed out, “only the County has the authority to ultimately select roundabouts or traffic lights.”
The Association’s lack of legal authority regarding traffic matters means that any action from the community only serves as a recommendation, not a binding statute. The county of San Diego has ultimate jurisdiction over the intersection project but has asked the Rancho Santa Fe Association for their input.
Nevertheless, in light of the surge in interest from the community, Board Director Wasserman offered a resolution that the Association send a survey out to all property owners to get a better gauge of where the community stands on the issue as well as hold a community meeting with representatives from the County present to answer questions and present information. The proposed survey would ask which one of two options the property owner preferred - Roundabouts or traffic lights.