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RSFA Board Mtg: "Degrees of Happiness"

Author: Phil Trubey

Date: August 13, 2022

The main focus of this month's meeting was the results of the on-line resident survey that FM3 Research conducted for the Association. There isn't much more analysis that I can add to the official Association summary of the results, but in addition to reading the summary, I would urge everyone to grab your favorite beverage of choice and peruse the results yourself.

The quotable quote from Adam Sonenshine, VP at FM3 Research, is that "Everything is just degrees of happiness" in the overall sentiments. The survey will be used as an input for planning future Board priorities and projects. It is expected that such a survey will be run every three years or so.

Roundabout Update

Association General Manager Christy Whalen presented an update of the roundabout project that has been in the works by the County for the last six years. The County has been planning on building three roundabouts at intersections along the Del Dios Highway in the eastern part of Rancho.

Design work is on-going and it is expected to be completed by mid-2023. The next hurdle will be funding, expected to clock in around $15M when all is said and done. The Association will work with the County to explore getting federal infrastructure funds to help pay for construction.

Osuna Cultural Landscape Report

During live member input, Holly Manion gave each Board member a copy of the rather extensive "Osuna Adobe #1 Cultural Landscape Report" along with a letter from the Save Our Heritage Organization cautioning the Board against inappropriate redevelopment of the Osuna property.

Other Member Input

There were six emails urging the Board to consider spending RSF PAC funds on helping the community organization Encinitas Residents for Responsible Development push back on the Goodson project development. A PAC meeting to discuss this will be held later this month.

Two emails urged the Board to consider building a dog park. I'll be bringing this up as a possible project during the strategic planning session occurring later this month.

Gas Powered Leaf Blowers

One person emailed about the possibility of Rancho outlawing gas powered leaf blowers in favor of battery powered ones (which are quieter and certainly cleaner). It's an interesting idea. I don't know anyone who likes the noise created by gas powered leaf blowers. Do note though that while battery powered blowers are quieter, they also do produce noise, just not as much.

I did some YouTube research and came across some interesting perspectives. This professional landscape maintenance contractor points out that any commercial yard service cannot use battery powered devices since the run time just isn't there. Sure, it'll work for a few suburban lots, but if you are leaf blowing all day long at different properties, the batteries will drain too quickly.

Here's a video comparing power output of two battery powered blowers versus two gas powered ones. And here's one comparing sound levels.

California is investigating the possibility of outright banning not just gas powered leaf blowers, but all gas powered lawn equipment. The earliest such a ban could be enacted is January 2024.

I'd like to get your opinion. I think this is best handled in the discussion forum where we can talk back and forth. If you haven't registered on the forum yet, you can quickly get a forum username (use a pseudonym if you want to remain anonymous) and start participating. I've created a forum topic about this issue here.

New Harassment Regulation

A revised harassment regulation has been posted for a 28 day comment period. The revised regulation adds that harassing an Association volunteer (like a Board member or a committee member) is also an act punishable by a fine and possible suspension of membership privileges. Please provide any comments to

SFID Rate Setting Workshop

This Thursday August 18th, our water utility, SFID, will have a rate setting workshop. SFID rates are tiered such that you pay low rates if you are a condo dweller and use a small amount of water, but pay much higher rates if you a large family and/or irrigate landscape and thus use more water. SFID has had this unusual rate structure since 2006, before that it was one rate for all single family homes. Click here to see how rates have changed over time.

The Association has always contended these tiered rates were unfair and in fact has launched a lawsuit over rates in the past.

At any rate (ha), SFID is now embarking upon another round of hearings and discussions about proposed new rates. The more Rancho residents attend these meetings (in person or via zoom), the better to let the SFID know that we aren't blind to what they are doing. Maybe a little public shaming will give their Board pause. Click here to read more information about this meeting.